The Presbyterian Church (U. S. A. ) has more than 1. 7 million members in more than 10, 000 congregations and worshiping communities answering Christ's call to mission and ministry throughout the United States and the world. Six agencies comprise PC(USA), The Office of the General Assembly, The Board of Pensions, the Presbyterian Mission Agency, The Presbyterian Foundation, The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program.
Through the Bible, the cornerstone of our faith, we know the stories of God’s efforts to communicate with creation and of creation’s response. God communicates through rainbows and burning bush, through earthquakes and fire, and through the still small voice. Jesus, as the Word Incarnate, is God’s fullest communication with creation. The work of God’s Spirit is communicated in the revelation of God’s presence with humanity in all times and places.
Today, as we seek to hear and respond to God’s Word, the Presbyterian Church (U. S. A. ) declares the reality of the grace of God to its members through word, sacrament and deed, and to the whole world through its testimony. We pray that God will speak through us as we tell new stories of the faith, life and mission found in Christ’s church. We pray that the communications for our church will be a constant reflection of God’s love.
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Ronceverte Presbyterian Church in Ronceverte you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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